Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If Jack LaLanne Did It....

Jack Lalanne consumed 50 grams of soy protein every day. He just died at 96. Hmmmm..... Can soy be as bad as the bad rap its getting? Just this past weekend, I was looking for protein powder at our local "health" (if you can call it that) food store and all she carried was Hemp/Rice/Pea protein which the owner said (in her opinion) is the ONLY protein to take. she said "Soy's not good for you." I heard some other folks say the same thing which prompted me to do a little more research since I DO eat a lot of soy, including protein powder (non GMO of course!) Low and behold, I find this article by John Robbins who is a respected author and environmentalist for decades. He claims yes, soy IS in fact bad if not processed and pumped into rats at 400 times of normal consumption. Rats have a different system than humans (huh?) and yes, it affects them. Mr. Robbins claims the fermentation process of tofu, and the processing into powder takes the bad out of soy and makes it "safe" for human consumption. Interesting read if you have the time. And now that I find out dear old Jack also ate it for many, many years, I'm sold. Bring on the soy protein.

1 comment:

DailySAHM said...

Like all things, it's about moderation. We don't consume soy every day, but it is part of our weekly balanced vegetarian diet.