Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Hubby is Leaving Me

Or should I say, he already left me! For several years, we've been the Siamese twins and one couldn't go somewhere without the other. Be it biking, racing, kayaking, hiking, to the grocery store, work (yup, we ride to work together too), whatever it is, it's a Rick and Jill Team. Even our email is Rick and Jill. But this year is different. Hubby is really, really into ww kayaking this year and I'm really, really into my garden and some biking, and there's been at least 4 times so far this year that he went kayaking without me and I ended up doing something on my own - usually the garden. And I miss him! This past weekend was a little lonely and sad with all the racing schtuff going on that I missed out on and Ricky went kayaking on his own AND went to dinner with his kayaking buds without me; but yesterday was sorta the same. I took off work to catch up in the garden (I'm caught up by the way), and Rick decided to paddle after work -- not once, but twice in one night! He's obsessed. He first went with Tony Labato, then went with the Harrisburg Canoe Club Narrows night people which usually starts at 6:00ish - about the time him and Tony were done. So Rick didn't get home until 9:00ish and I was in bed! This morning we decided this weekend we'll do stuff together. Well, he decided we'll kayak together, but maybe not ride together. How fair is that! I guess its ok 'cause next weekend we're parting again -- he can't miss a release day on the Lehigh and it just so happens to be the same day as the 12-hour race at the Farm. And I'm all over that one! Oh what fun Rick will miss. :)

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