Monday, July 6, 2009

FORZE Update and Getting back Into Running

The Cap City Challenge is on the horizon (thank you Donna!!!!) and I started running again (thank you Donna!!!!). Yesterday was my 3rd run in the past week and I must say it was awesome. I truly believe it's this FORZE I'm sucking down. I ran an entire hour non-stop and felt great afterwards AND there are no aches or pains this morning. In the past, I'd hurt for days, could barely stay running for an hour, and would feel like a slug the entire time. Could it be the real concept behind FORZE is to boost your metabolism and make you feel like you can work harder, thus lose a little more weight? They claim this product is to suppress your appetite for weight loss. That hasn't happened for me - the bottomless pit still opens up about 7:30 at night and I start filling it. But it DID boost my activity level which I won't argue with at all. I'll keep tracking and sharing the updates.

1 comment:

The Wiser Weiser said...

YAY! Man is that stuff expensive---looks good, though! :)