Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Practice in Patience

This week took a different turn in activity. We moved Rick's almost-90 year old mother to an assisted-living home and things haven't been quite the same since! On the first day there, we got a BIG kick out of the elderly with their walkers heading to exericse class. O.M.G. That'll be us someday!!! This move was her choice, and while its a beautiful facility (Polk Personal Care Home in Millersburg) with a ton of care and good people, its really an adjustment for her. So Rick and I are spending time there, at her vacated home in Millersburg to start the process of cleaning and figuring out what to do with the contents and home, etc., and working in between it all. Exercise? Ha...what's that?! We kayaked this week, but that's about it so far. If anyone is interested in a low-priced cape code style home in Millersburg that needs a new kitchen and bathroom, let us know!

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