Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 9 - More Climbing and Prepping for Weeks 10 and 11

Last week and this week of the Winter Mountain biking Training plan are focusing on climbing. Fairly high heart rates and intervals are primarily what it's all about. The weekly hours aren't quite as long with about 11 hours being the weekly total, but the high heart rate can tax the old bod after two weeks. What's going to be interesting is going right into the 2nd set of two-weeks of endurance building. There's no rest week in between. Endurance weeks are L.O.N.G. hours maxing out at about 17 or 18 by the end of the week and it's extremely important to attempt to get as many of those hours in as possible to be ready for 7-days straight of racing in May/June. Ouch. I don't think I've ever gotten that many bike hours in during a single week. It definitely will be a challenge to get those hours -- especially now that's its too cold and dark to ride outside or at night. The majority of those hours will be on the trainer. The other challenge is how will my body take it not having a break. The next rest is between Christmas and New Year's and will be a welcome R&R period. Until next time, ride-on!


The Wiser Weiser said...

BUB. :-)

DailySAHM said...

I'm jealous. I'd love to be doing even half of your weekly hours right now.