Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Funsters - Tilt Shift video!

Have you ever heard of a "tilt-shift" video?? Nope, I didn't either until Mr. Brown turned me onto this very-cool video of kayakers in the Susquehanna River at the Holtwood Dam. Tilt-shift is a style of making the animated figures in the video (in this case, kayakers in water) look like tiny litte minatures. It's awesome. WATCH IT HERE. Yes, Mr. Brown aspires to surf the Holtwood waves someday just like the guys in the video. He's my hero!

And another funster -- the radio announcer people this morning were announcing a contest where you could win a "Vera Bradley purse!" And I said to Ricky, "what's a Vera Bradley purse??"" And we laughed... then we started joking, "man, if they were giving away an NRS kayak Gear bag, or a nice biking Gear bag, we'd be all over that contest, wouldn't we??" I'm so non-fashion oriented. I guess the Vera thang is a women's fashion in-style thang??? HA!.

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