Friday, February 17, 2012

Winning At Losing

The Chubublicans did it - we won! Week 6 results of the 6-week DCED Biggest Loser competition were kept hush-hush until today at the finale - a pizza party!  And the winner is.... the Chubublicans with a total weight loss of 89.4 pounds and 7.14%.  I'd say that's a success.  Congrats girls!


brett said...

a pizza party for the winners? that sounds like more of a punishment.

"you win! here, gain all that weight back, starting right now!"

but, congrats anyway? now to see if everyone keeps it off for 6 months...

Chili said...

I know... some were complaining about pizza and brought salads and ate their salads in front of the pizza eaters. It was funny. You are right oh bright weiser... can they keep it off?!

brett said...

I hope they can! I really do!