Thursday, April 8, 2010

24 Days to the Tough Mudder - Like Nothing I've Ever Done

Yesterday the Tough Mudder folks posted their racer instruction packet that Kera shared with me (I can't get in the site here at work -- thanks for sharing Kera!). Well. This "event" ain't like anything I've ever done before on many fronts:

1. 5,000 people! 500 going off every 15 minutes starting at 11:00 am.
2. Parking is limited to 2,200 cars with another lot available 6.5 miles away with shuttle service. HUH? I've never missed out on a parking spot anywhere.
3. Had to pay $15 bucks for Rick to watch! Actually, I'm thinking of it as paying for the photographer. We'd have to pay that amount each to Brightroom to get a shot of ourselves in the craziest obstacle (not sure yet what that will be, but I can guess they'll be at least one really nutty thing to do!).
4. Will Rick find us in 5,000 people? We'll have to wear something that stands out. I'm planning on a bright green top.
5. Speaking of a green top -- what do we wear? It will HAVE to be something old that can get torn or snagged; something TIGHT to be able to swim in; something that will cover the full leg and arms to prevent obstacle-slicing of skin and brush burns; yet something light enuf to wear in May. The plan is some really old tights that are ready to be tossed and the bright green top with 3/4 sleeves that I hardly ever wear. Oh, and the sneakers -- something that will drain and again, something old that it doesn't matter if they get totally trashed.

Man oh man, this will be quite the event. I must admit, I'm kinda missing riding bike after seeing all the folks that signed up for the Michaux Mash on Saturday. Two of my old team mates are riding, Janice Morris and Sally McClain. But then again, its a nice change to be running more. And here's the training the past couple days; Monday was off. Tuesday we skipped the YMCA since it was nice. I rode bike for 45 minutes and tried to follow it up with a run and totally bonked, only getting a mile of running in. The gardening is killing me! Even though I was "off" on Monday from run/bike/kayak, I spent 2 hours digging up weeds and hauling horse manure. (So I really wasn't "off" now was I?!) I even overslept on Wednesday morning. I can't recall the last time I overslept. So last night I tried the run again and it was better, but not my best. I warmed up for about 1/2 hour and actually got a couple sprints in, then hit the horse-field hill for three intervals. I only did three 'cause my warm-up was hilly and I still wasn't feeling totally recovered. I gotta think more about timing of gardening and running/biking. Holy hell its taking its toll. Tonight is YMCA again and I'll spend 45 minutes on the spin bike followed by 15 minutes weights. This morning was core work and 25 push-ups. Friday is rest day (and NO, I'm not gardneing on Friday either!). Weekend is looking nice weather-wise. I'm thinking I'm going to hit the Ratting Creek trails first thing early Saturday morning since I'll be rested from Friday's day off. That way I'll get a decent long run/ride in on Saturday morning for a couple hours, then go home and do what I can in the garden and if I bonk, so be it -- I'll have my workout in. Not sure yet what Sunday will bring depending how I feel after Saturday. Later kids!


The Wiser Weiser said...

Mashin' Michaux style!!! Yeah, BABEEEE!! :)

DailySAHM said...

I need to respond to your email... but I was thinking of asking Chris to print us official Mind Over Mudder shirts. But I read we're getting bibs, which would cover up the shirt. But maybe an obnoxious bright color would still help us locate each other on the course should we become separated.

I've got a bunch of other stuff to say, but I'll save it for my lengthy email response to you. :-)

Chili said...

okee dokee! What you want to do Kera is cool with me. Donna - can't wait to ride on Saturday!

Sophie PC said...

We wanted to email you, but we couldn't find an address. We love your blog! We're so excited you're training hard for our event. Please email, because we would love to talk to you.